Saturday, May 23, 2020

Frankenstein - Fear of the Power of Science - 787 Words

‘Some readers have seen the novel as an illustration of the fear of the power of science’ To what extent do you agree with this view of the novel? I agree to a certain extent with this view, because Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein during the scientific revolution and therefore was influenced by many ideas and experiences of what science can do to you and how it can represent fear and bring about a change. Victor Frankenstein grabs hold of science and tests it boundaries as much as he can. Yet there is an element that represents his inability to do this. He comes across as if he has no true idea of consequences or outcomes for what he is doing, bringing a true element of fear forward for the reader to deal with. He is our unreliable†¦show more content†¦One true Gothic element that is portrayed in this novel is the idea of the doppelganger, and although Victor Frankenstein and the Creature look nothing alike, the Creature truly is the evil side of Frankenstein. He brings out Victor’s irresponsibility and ugliness, just like Mr Hyde brings out Dr Jekyll ugly side. The creature takes away Frankenstein’s Supe r Ego and leaves him with his Id. Therefore it may be true that Frankenstein has a focus on the fear of the power of science but I do not believe it is a true illustration of only this. So many Gothic elements come into play that sometimes this idea of the power of science can beShow MoreRelatedSome Readers Have Seen Frankenstein as an Illustration of the Fear of the Power of Science. to What Extent Do You Agree with This View Based on Your Reading so Far?1734 Words   |  7 Pagesand ethical thought challenged science and its moral reasoning. Frankenstein could be seen as an illustration of the fear of the power of science due to these social changes; however there is evidence within the text to support other aspects such as society and religion being the focal point of fear. 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