Monday, December 16, 2019

George Orwell s 1984, Winston - 1832 Words

Thesis: In George Orwell’s 1984, Winston resists the Party’s degradation of basic human rights through his intimate relationship with Julia in an effort to maintain his individuality. His example inspires people today to find ways to preserve their civil liberties when faced with oppression. Party’s degradation of basic human rights Winston’s resistance to the Party’s dehumanization through his intimate relationship with Julia Conclusion: Orwell’s call for all people to fight for the preservation of their civil liberties Outline: Although he faces dehumanization by the Party, Winston is able to retain his human rights through his relationship with Julia by utilizing his senses, recalling his past, and creating a private lifestyle away†¦show more content†¦In a glaring act of resistance, Winston ignores the Party’s implicit laws to disregard the surrounding world by listening to nature and touching Julia’s body. Although the Party insists that it is the only entity that can accurately observe and explicate reality, Winston trusts in the ability of his senses in an action of opposition during his experiences with Julia. Winston’s use of his memory during his time with Julia Julia inadvertently stimulates Winston’s memory as she unpacks coffee beans for her and Winston to share: â€Å"The smell was already filling the room, a rich hot smell which seemed like an emanation from his early childhood, but which one did occasionally meet even now . . . sniffed for an instant and then lost again† (Orwell 141). Although Winston’s perspective on his past has been distorted due to the Party’s continuous alteration of history, Julia prompts his recollection as she reveals contraband goods to him. Though his recount involving the smell of coffee is vague, the trivial act of remembering his past is considered a misdeed due to the fact that it is not the Party’s creation. Similar to how the pleasant fragrance of coffee is at times temporarily present but soon gone, the transient memories of citizens in Oceania are constantly replaced by thoughts of the Party’sShow MoreRelatedGeorge Orwell s Novel, 1984, Julia And Winston1387 Words   |  6 Pageslove and tolerance is a rebellion successful. Similar to Gandhi, in George Orwell’s science fiction novel, 1984, Julia and Winston, two rebellious lovers, fight against a larger power by holding onto every vestige of their dignity and morality. Big Brother, leader of Oceania, one of the three remaining states in the wor ld, oppresses its citizens through outlawing independence and free thought, claiming it to be Thought Crime. Winston and Julia struggle, not only stay alive, but remain humane as ThoughtRead MoreFrancess Kargbo. 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